
Doubling Riders "The World of the Doubling Riders" [6CD Box]

価格: 7,667円(税込)


Label: Spittle Records - SPITTLE75

2019年最高峰のビッグタイトル!! 80年代中期から4年間のみ運営、一度停止した後2006年から再始動したイタリアのカルト・ダークウェーブ、EBM、実験音楽レーベルSpittle Recordsの偉業!!

1980年代初頭にFrancesco Paladinoのメールアートプロジェクトとして始動、A.T.R.O.X.でも活動を共にする正式メンバーPier Luigi Andreoni & 様々なゲスト共に85年に1st LPをリリースした後、88年の2nd以降新たに自国の超重要人物Riccardo Sinigaglia (Correnti Magnetiche, Futuro Antico)が正式メンバーとして加わる、イタリアシーンの中で最もユニークなプロジェクトの一つとして存在したDoubling Riders。初期ADNに残した85年の[Doublings & Silences Volume I]と、88年の2枚組 [Volume II]、そして89年の[World!]、91年の[Garama]、一部高値で取引される初期作を含む4タイトルに、未発表マテリアルを加えた完璧な6枚組CDボックス。4thアルバムまではBene GesseritのAlain Neffeを始め、Vox Populi!、Christina Kubisch、Pascal Comelade、Roberto Musci、Raffael Serra等々、国内外の著名音楽家が参加する(殆ど)不定形プロジェクトの様な活動を行っており、その内容はミニマリズムやコンセプチュアルアートまでを飲み込んだ狂気とユーモアを孕んだ独自の音楽性の追求。とにかく全てを余す事なく体感して頂きたい説明不要のコンプリートワークスです。音源は全てオリジナルテープを用いたリマスター仕様、24ページブックレットが付属。マスト。







Complete discography, remastered from the original tapes. 6 x CD boxset includes 1 disc of previously unreleased material, plus 24-page booklet of liner notes and never-before-seen photographs.** From its earliest days, Italian avant-garde and experimental music has always been a fascinating world of intersecting lines, unexpected meetings, and networks of conversation and collaboration. This is especially true of the country’s remarkably unique context of musical minimalism - a vast body of sound which, decades after if first emerged, continues to defy easy definition and category. As wild and varied as Italian minimalism is, there are unavoidable anchors and roots - points of clear inspiration and intersection - Franco Battiato and projects like Aktuala, Futuro Antico, and The Doubling Riders. Among these, the most neglected and overlooked has remained The Doubling Riders - the focus of an incredible 6 CD survey - The World of The Doubling Riders, issued by Spittle Records in co-operation with Officine Fonografiche Italiane. An long overdue immersion in overwhelmingly singular creativity and collaboration, this one is as essential as they come. There’s never been anything like this band!

Emerging during the early 1980s - a high point of Italian experimentalism, The Doubling Riders began as a collaboration between musical heavyweights, Francesco Paladino and Pier Luigi Andreoni, who were soon joined by Riccardo Sinigaglia of Futuro Antico fame, and an evolving, diverse cast of international voices - Pascal Comelade, Ira Stein and Vox Populi, etc. Flirting around the outer edges of ambient music, outright experimentalism, and New Wave, while bending electronics with numerous folk touch-stones, during the 80s and early 90s The Doubling Riders stood out from the pack - easily one of the most unique projects within the Italian scene.

Between 1985 and 1991, The Doubling Riders produced 4 remarkable albums - Doublings & Silences Volume I ‎& Volume II, World!, and Garama, each taking the group’s singular sonic universe one step further. While sinfully overlooked at the time, each has become heavily hunted on the collectors market in recent years. Poetic, abstract, creatively visionary and ambitious - blending countless musical territories into one cohesive field, Spittle Records’ collection, The World of The Doubling Riders, gathers the entirety of the trio’s fully remastered discography, adding a sixth disc of previously unreleased material and rarities. Making the set’s importance even more remarkable, is the fact that the bands first two LPs have never been reissued on any format, making this the first CD edition of both. A thrilling ride of adventurous sound which falls across the same creatively fruitful years which gave way to Sinigaglia’s seminal Riflessi, Andreoni & Paladino’s - Aeolyca, and Andreoni’s output within Andreolina, An Island In The Moon.

When it comes to Italian experimentalism from the 80’s and 90’s this one is about as long overdue and historically important as they come! Absolutely essential on every possible count. Not to be missed. Grab it fast. This one is going to sell out fast!