
Michael Ranta- Mike Lewis - Conny Plank "Mu" [2CD BOX]

価格: 5,357円(税込)


Label: Metaphon - METAPHON003

ストックを発見!!前回買い逃された方お見逃し無く!!New Phonic Art、Iskra 1903と共に収録された1974年激レア3LPボックス[Free Improvisation]がNWWリストにもなっている、Michael Ranta、Mike Lewis、Conny Plankの3者によるWiredユニットの未発表音源集!!志田笙子 氏による[Mu]についての85年テキストが掲載。未体験の方は是非!!

The only time this ensemble got together before was for the singular and legendary 'Wired' session recorded in 1970 and published on the Deutsche Grammophon box set 'Free Improvisation' in 1974. The Wired session also included Karl-Heinz Böttner while this release of 'Mu' just has the trio of Ranta, Lewis and Plank. Mu got recorded a few months after the 'Wired' session, in Plank's studio, but never got released strangely enough. Yet it's a true hidden treasure of marvellous minimal psychedelic improvisations with an oriental touch controlled and mixed by 'Diabolis in Musica' Conny Plank. Although the intense recording session ended early in the morning the mixdown was still done straight afterwards of which this is the direct result for MU1, Mu2, and Mu4. For Mu 3 Michael Ranta added live percussion to the original tape mix and dedicated it to Mike Lewis. Due to circumstances and moving to different continents they never had the chance to meet again.

Michael Ranta : percussion, guitars and prepared thundersheet

Mike Lewis : keyboards, wind instruments and percussion

Conny Plank : live electronics, sound control, recording supervision, mix