
Knut Wiggen "Electronic Works 1972-1975" [LP]

価格: 2,607円(税込)


Label: O. Gudmundsen Minde - OGM005

コレは激ヤバです、なぜか殆ど配給されていなかった2019年ベストリリースの一つ!!ノルウェー実験音楽発信地として60年代後半より存在するHenie OnstadアートセンターのPrisma Recordsの出版に大きく関与したり、自国の埋もれた音源の発掘にも勤しむ大ベテランのノイズ・ミュージシャンLasse Marhaug。なんとこのレーベルも氏が2017年から運営していたという知られざる発掘レーベルO. Gudmundsen Minde。本作はストックホルムの名門EMSスタジオにて72~75年にかけて記録されたノルウェーの作曲家Knut Wiggenによる非常に貴重な唯一のエレクトロニック・ワークス。EMSに在籍中革新的な作曲ソフトウェア"MusicBox"を開発、そのソフトを使ったマルチチャンネル作品5つが収録されており、聴いての通り初期電子音楽ファンには堪らないピュアな音色にて変則的な動きをする冷徹コンピューター・ミュージック集。ジャケット裏側に掲載された巨大システムが滅茶苦茶カッコイイ。

This LP marks the release of Norwegian composer Knut Wiggen’s electronic music produced in the legendary EMS Studio in Stockholm between 1972-1975. As a pioneer of computer music in Scandinavia, Knut Wiggen (1927—2016) was hugely important in reshaping the Swedish music community from 1959, when he became chairman of Fylkingen Concert Society and transformed the organisation into an central hub for avant-garde music concerts and events. In 1964 Wiggen became founding director of the Elektronmusikstudion in Stockholm, which under his leadership became one of Europe’s leading studios for new electronic music.

During his time at the EMS Wiggen created the revolutionary composition software MusicBox, which was designed as a creative tool both to create sounds and through spatialization free electronic music from acoustical confines of the concert hall. With this tool he composed five compositions at EMS over the course of three years: Sommarmorgon (1972), Etyd (1972), Resa (1972), Massa (1974) and EMS för sig själv (1975). These works were originally composed as multi-channel pieces, as its was Wiggen’s preferred format, but this LP presents new stereo-mixes that has been done with the utmost care to to preserve Wiggen’s artistic intentions. The LP comes with archival photos as well as liner notes by Norwegian electronic music historian and composer Jøran Rudi. OGM Records is proud to present this important rediscovery in the canon of early Scandinavian computer music.