Label: Nakama Records - NKM005
ユニークなコンテンポラリー・ジャズや実験作品を数多く出版するノルウェーのNakama Records。本作は本国の二人の若手ヴァイオリニストAdrian Løseth Waade & Håkon AaseからなるデュオプロジェクトJinchūrikiのデビュータイトル。まさにあの"人柱力"がコンセプトとなっている様で、その作風はポツポツとした欠片っぽい粒、また薄い摩擦からなる非常にまばらなテクスチャー、明確な輪郭を持つ映画音楽のような色調の風景まで全20のショートトラックで構成。二つのヴァイオリンのみという編成が非常に独特の世界観を作り上げています。
Nakama Records’ fifth release features violin duo Jinchūriki consisting of young Norwegian wonder boys Håkon Aase and Adrian Løseth Waade. The duo has seemingly emerged out of nowhere, but their existence seems as natural as night turning into day. The album is entitled «Kyūbi» (both band name and title is derived from the popular anime Naruto) and is a free exploration of sound within the boundaries of their instruments and their own musicality. The album is comprised of 20 small pieces ranging in expression from reductionist and sparse textures, to filmscore-like tonal landscapes with clear dramatic outlines. Their contribution to the label is a treasure box full of surprises.