
Philip Samartzis + Eugene Ughetti "Polar Force" [CD + Artist Book]

価格: 3,047円(税込)


Label: Room40

大推薦!!CDとアートブックがセットになった美麗装丁!!主に自然環境を利用した音響芸術家として活動しているベテラン・サウンドアーティストPhilip Samartzisが、同国にて90年代初頭よりパーカッショニストとして動くEugene Ughettiと共に取り組んだ非常に興味深いフィールドワーク。Philip Samartzisがオーストラリア南極観測地で経験したという氷上で展開される様々な音風景。氷が砕ける音や吹き荒れるブリザードのサウンドは壮大な前衛パーカッションの演奏の様に聞こえ、本作は様々なシステムを駆使しその情景をパフォーマンス・インスタレーションとして提示した記録。現地のフィールド録音も使いつつ大きく拡張された南極大陸の風景を描き出す凄まじい内容。ブックにはエッセイやフォトを掲載。

Matte laminate sleeve, insert card and artist book featuring essays and photographs from the Polar Force project.

From Eugene Ughetti
As Philip was preparing to leave for his second Australian Antarctic Division residency, he invited me to lunch to discuss the possibility of collaborating on a new work. He recounted his first experience on the ice, where the surrounding landscapes seemed to articulate avant-garde percussion works of an epic scale. On this visit, he wanted his field work to explicitly shape the formation of a new performance work with a particular focus on katabatic winds in and around Casey Base station.

Intrigued, I accepted the challenge provided I could create a live performance utilising the same recorded materials of ice, air and water. We undertook an ambitious collaboration with sound, instrument, lighting and industrial designers, a dramaturg and percussionist.

For Polar Force we built an environment, a white inflatable structure reminiscent of a remote research station on the ice. Emanating from outside the space come the complex and foreboding sounds of the natural environment, inside, a live event akin to scientific research in sound occurs. This hour-long performance installation work gives rise to a hyper-realistic sensing of Antarctica, bursting with natural beauty, power and the audible evidence of human impact.