Label: Tochnit Aleph TA140
最強物件が遂にCD再発!!間違い無く2022年の大事件的出版物!!オリジナルは1961年にフランスEdizione Del Cavallinoが限定50部の10インチ盤4枚組ボックスにて出版。アール・ブリュットの提唱者としてお馴染みジャン・デュビュッフェがデンマークの芸術家アスガー・ヨルンと共に残した、氏の音記録の中でも最高峰のレア物件として知られる[Musique Phenomenale]が遂に初リイシュー!!手掛けたのは過去にもう一つの激レアタイトル[Experiences Musicales ]を2CD再発したドイツRumpsti Pumstiの親レーベルTochnit Aleph。1960年12月から1961年3月に掛けてレコーディングされたプリミティブな衝動が満載の録音集となっており、互いの美術家としてのバックグラウンド及び感覚が曖昧なまま混じり合った11の自発的オーケストレーション。スリップケース入り6パネルのデジパック仕様、アスガー・ヨルンのライナーノーツを含む12ページのブックレット付き。マスト。
Edition of 600 copies, double CD in heavy 6-panel digipak in slipcase, with 12-page illustrated booklet and linernotes by Asger Jorn in french & English.
"Musique Phénomenale" was recorded by Asger Jorn & Jean Dubuffet between December 1960 and March 1961 in Paris, and first published in 1961 as a box containing four 10" records in an edition of 50 copies (+ 6 copies H.C.) by Galleria del Cavallino, Venice.
61 years after its original release this first ever reissue on any format was produced in an edition of 600 copies by Tochnit Aleph / Edition Hans Pumpestok, København, in cooperation with Fondation Dubuffet, Paris.
"(…) It's a curious feeling to implement and test a spontaneous form of orchestration with an artist who has such an extremely independent background. It really felt like we were experiencing an event of singular importance and significance. I can't say if this importance was greater than our own personal joy. But I do know that this music illuminated many ideas for me that had previously remained obscure. For me it remains a kind of phenomenal music, in the sense that in our productions the music became it's own specific phenomenon, and yet one that was still connected to all the other sensorial phenomena. (…)“ - Asger Jorn (from the liner notes)
Asger Jorn (1914-1973), was a Danish painter, sculptor, ceramic artist, author, and one of Scandinavia's most influential and internationally recognized artists. He was a founding member of the avantgarde movement COBRA and the Situationist International.
Jean Dubuffet (1901-1985) was a French painter, sculptor, lithographer and writer. He was one of the main protagonists of ‘Art Brut’ (a term he invented in 1945).
CD 1
NEZ CASSÉ (07:57)
NOUVEL AN (06:07)
VOLE VENT (12:51)
CD 2
SANG (16:23)
ÉBATS (11:28)