Label: Creel Pone
最強の南米カルト物件が遂にCreel Poneに登場!!オリジナルは1974年にPhilipsからLPリリース、スイスのチェロ奏者にして楽器ビルダーであるウォルター・スメタクが、カエターノ・ヴェローゾのプロデュース(パフォーマーとしても参加)&ジルベルト・ジルのサポートで完成させた、異色の実験インストゥルメンタル録音[Smetak]。本作はそれに1980年2nd LP[Interregno]をカップリングしたコンプリート編集音源。キャリアを積んだブラジルにてアフロブラジルの儀式や微分音、集団即興を研究、その経験より生み出したシュールレアリスティックな自作楽器を用いた奇怪な演奏集。もはやどのカテゴリーにも括れない独創世界を貫いた傑作。
This was the 14th of the ca. 2003 "Proto Creel Pone" titles, collecting both of Swiss Composer & Experimental Instrument-Designer Walter Smetak's LPs issued during his tenture/life in Brazil, along with the pieces from the second "Compositores da Bahia" volume by Smetak & Milton Gomes as peformed by his ensemble.
The original LPs have been (recently, unfortunately; it was bound to happen eventually) reissued on vinyl; I implore you to check them out in their native format, but for series-completion's sake I'm keeping this edition available for those interested in the context & extra materials granted, in a strictly limited one-shot deal (strictly for the heads) housed in an apropos "Textured" booklet w/ Inserts reproducting both the detail of the s/t Gatefold and the 10-page Promotional Booklet included w/ initial copies of "Interregno" (w/ writings by Gilberto Gil, Ernst Widmer, & others.)