
Ahad aka Zsolt Sores "Nemo Point Soundmap for Terrestrial Melanoheliophobics" [2CD]

価格: 2,827円(税込)


Label: Fourth Dimension Records

リリースが大幅に遅れていた音源が漸く入荷。。。全編激ヤバです!!1969年ハンガリーはブダペスト出身、不安定な音響システムと多くのアコースティック楽器を使い90年代前半より音盤リリースを開始、FaustのZappiの定期的的なコラボレーターであり、MorphogenesisのAdam Bohmanとの共作も残している奇才Zsolt Soresが個人名義での2CDアルバムをリリース!!アカデミック音楽のバックグラウンド持ちながら版元解説の通りAMMやOrganum、This Heatといった即興及びエクスペリメンタル/ノイズからの強い影響を受けている人物であり、ヴィオラ、ベース、ピアノ弦、ボイス、メロトロン、ディクタフォン、パーカッション、etc...を組み合わせ、どデカいスケールの金属摩擦空間を創出。特に30分~45分の1トラックで纏められた長尺編成の3曲がメチャクチャ凄い!!お見逃しなく。

Representing Ahad's Flux Worlds 1, the lengthily titled 'Nemo Point Soundmap...' album is the very latest solo offering from this Hungarian sonic traveller now based in Berlin, Zsolt Sőrés. Spread over the two discs are seven pieces that take a combination of viola, bass, piano strings, voice, mellotron, dictaphone, percussion and all manner of other instrumentation and objects into a realm where inner space folds in on itself and unwittingly assumes the guise of multitudinous journeys to those far-reaching points many a shaman (sonic or otherwise) has attempted to draw from. Despite his background in academic music, Zsolt has always broken beyond this with the help of a deep-seated interest in kosmische music, psychedelia and the kind of improvisational approach responsible for having produced artists as wide-ranging as AMM, This Heat and Organum. Also, these days, a regular collaborator with Zappi of Faust, past credits include collaborative work with Jean-herve Peron of Faust, Faust themselves, Franz Hautzinger, Christian kobi, Adam Bohman, Theme and many more. He also works with Hilary Jeffery in the fully immersive wall of stream-of-consciousness sound that is Inconsolable Ghost (who once had a cassette released by Fourth Dimension Records). If anybody could be heralded as a true practitioner of what could be best described as transitional music in its purest form, then Zsolt must be that artist.

Fourth Dimension Records and Zsolt's own Hinge Thunder are happy to help bring the latest mapping of this particular sonic multiverse to your ears.