Label: Faitiche
新変名の音源を出版!!ソビエト連邦出身、現在はドイツのベルリンより自身の音楽を発信しているサウンドコラージュの天才Andrew Pekler。儚いギターリフの反復を軸とするメランコリック・ミニマルの新変名SGとしての1stアルバムをFaiticheよりリリース!!エレキギター演奏と雨音の録音をペダルエフェクト加工のみで仕上げたシンプルな10トラックからなり、氏のミニマリズムへの深い興味と実験精神が伺える高内容。今後のリリースも期待。
SG is none other than Andrew Pekler returning to faitiche with an album of sentimental guitar escapism. For Lovers Only / Rain Suite features ten tracks made using only an electric guitar and a handful of effects pedals (plus some additional recordings of rain) and finds Pekler once again attempting to reconicile his tendencies towards kitsch, experimentation and minimalism.
What does Pekler's pseudonym SG stand for? Sentimental Guitar? Sound Gallery? Shy Guy? Sad Gnosis? Saudade Glamour? Soft Goth? We don't know, but we asked notorious Chicago romantic Sam Prekop for his take on the album – his reply:
It’s a wonder where the rivers go and far, how fast or slow.
Just seconds to remember, who can forget,
when you are lost.
I think to recount every step, in both hands, eyes open, the clouds unfold, one two three.
Every other step, just as well.
Where the moss is soft, you know strong. How many hours, days?
I could have been careful, did I forget?
Never mind.
Waking up, in these arms, where the rivers go, slow.
One two three, one two three.