
Merzbow "Rainbow Electronics" [Cassette]

価格: 2,167円(税込)


Label: Urashima

美しいパッケージデザイン!!オリジナルは1990年に国内Alchemy RecordsからCDフォーマットでリリース、Merzbowによる全73分の長編を収録した名作[Rainbow Electronics]のカセットエディションが登場!!87年から90年までの3年を掛けてレコーディングされた約21時間に及ぶテープ音源をマテリアルに使用、そこから抽出~編集された強靭な音塊はまさに名作と呼ぶに相応しい超高内容。美川俊治氏によるライナーノーツが付属。

Originally released on CD in 1990 by Alchemy Records as part of the Good Alchemy Series, Rainbow Electronics marks the pinnacle of Merzbow's late 80’s noise phase. Selected and transformed from about 21 hours tape of primitive raw material recorded during three years (1987-1990) in 14 fragments lasting about 74 minutes, this monumental work is an aural trip through a cold plotted universe of intergalactic space ships and golden celestial bodies. Remastered in December 2019 and split into two parts directly by the artist for the cassette version it opens up with a slow, kind of creepy tempo, reaching from dirty harsh noise flows coupled with eerie reverbed screeches and scrapes of iron objects. Noise and blasts come from every angle, and all you can do is sit and take it. Then continues with solid drumbeats briefly emerging from the static and disappearing just as quickly, again long stretches of subdued electronic drones buzzing along sleepily and the occasional sudden shift of noise into something more violent, though it all happens kind of slowly and gradually. A truly mesmerizing and immersive body of sound and its intense finish is something of pure artform.

“I don't need a lot of words about Merzbow. All you have to do is immerse yourself in the sound.” translated from Japanese liner notes of Alchemy Records CD by Toshiji Mikawa. Tape comes in only 199 copies with O-card 300g wrapping clear box with j-card and laser print orange shell plus download code. If you looking for a great starter title by Merzbow, an amazing piece of art, or something to get high to, this tape is perfect!