
Martin Bakero "Protoverb" [Purple LP]

価格: 4,147円(税込)


Label: Erratum

内容、パッケージデザイン共に激ヤバです!!サウンドポエトリー・マガジンVOXXXシリーズの第1弾!!90年代よりパリから非常に濃いアート物件を発信し続ける老舗レーベルErratumとバルセロナのSonhorasが共同でスタートした、美麗パッケージ出版の音響詩シリーズ。第一弾は奇抜な衣装を身に纏いインスタレーション的ステージを展開する詩人にして音楽家のMartin Bakero。自身で作成したボーカル素材を使いエグい空間音響を創造、呼吸や声、言葉が多層的に積み上げられていく、単なるエレクトロアコースティック/コンクレートには止まらない驚異的内容。ジャケットは活版印刷仕様、パープルヴァイナル。

Limited Edition 12" colored vinyl and handmade covers

This is the first release of the VOXXX series, a sound poetry magazine with 4 LP releases each year. A manifestation of poetry and voice, sound poetry or vocal art. A joined adventure by Erratum Musical (Paris) and Sonhoras (Barcelona). Precious cut and sound edition, along with beautiful artisan work made by hand in letterpress print.

PROTOVERB is the vinyl debut LP from multifaceted poet and musician Martin Bakero - who is mainly exploring the boundaries between sound, meaning, music, poetry, trance and psychiatry. He creates all this vocal material directly, with electroacoustics and hand made electronics, then spatializes it and makes it visible and tangible. From the first creative breath, he utters sentences, words, syllables and even more and more ‘’protoverbal’’ sounds and noises, in an attempt to propose a new relationship between real and imaginary, between words and things, sounds and meaning.

This is the space where the first archetypal sounds (breath, voice, verb) embedded in human collective unconscious got a twist and spread their swirling mysterious creative energy, where music and poetry can’t be split and divided anymore.

PROTOVERB is a rare « sound poetry » record, transcending the genre and bringing very ancient pneuma practices into a fresh joy and understanding about life and how reality manifests.

Limited edition of 300 copies, numbered all of them.