
Pauline Oliveros "Ghostdance" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)


Label: Deep Listening

ディープ・リスニングの提唱者であり、電子音楽家Morton Subotnick、Ramon Senderと共にサンフランシスコ・テープ音楽センターを立ち上げた米実験界の偉人Pauline Oliveros。リンカーンセンター屋外施設の為に委嘱され制作した、1998年のダンス用のサウンドラック[Ghostdance]。ランダムにウネる電子音、様々な声ネタ、アコースティック演奏、カットアップや変調を交えガキゴキと入り乱れ続ける最高にカッコ良いアルバム。未体験の方は是非。

The long awaited soundtrack of the Ghostdance music and dance collaboration between Oliveros and Paula Josa-Jones, commissioned by Lincoln Center Out-of -Doors. "The Gkostdance collaboration with choreographer Paula Josa Jones began in Monterrey Mexico supported in turn by two month US/Mexico Exchange Fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and FONCA. Together with our host—composer/ ethnomusicologist Arturo Salinas—we attended El Dia de los muertos in Chalco to help inform our work. The beauty and depth of the ceremonies, ritual dancing and music honoring the dead touched me deeply as did the dancers we worked with in Monterrey. I am grateful for the experience that was shared with me so graciously by the Nahuatl-speaking families of Chalco and the dancers of Monterrey. The Ghostdance soundscape begins with my recording of a flock of grackles who were roosting in the trees by my hotel in Chalco. I imagined the music to emanate from the voices of those birds with a transformation to a spirit voice created and sung by Julie Lyon Rose. The collaborative process with Jones was a wonderful interchange of two years to bring Ghostdance to it's premiere performances at Lincoln Center and in Radcliffe Yard in Cambridge" Pauline Oliveros