
Kevin Tomkins "Music For An Unprepared Autoharp" [CD]

価格: 2,607円(税込)


Label: Klanggalerie

グループ活動の作風とは異なるストリングス・ミニマル!!Whitehouseへの参加、またSutcliffe Jugendでの活動で知られる英ノイズ/エクスペリメンタル界の大ベテランKevin Tomkins。そちらの活動はパワーエレクトニクスを軸とした強靭なスタイルが中心ですが、この本名名義ではリズムやメロディーを中心に据えた楽曲を展開。本作ではオートハープやツィターを使いパーカッシブな反復、またギラギラとした多層持続音などグッと絞り込んだミニマルミュージックを披露しており、またノイズ脈の音楽家らしい無骨なテクスチャーも随所に確認できます。オーストリアKlanggalerieからのリリース。



Kevin Tomkins is best known for his work in Whitehouse and his own group Sutcliffe Jugend, now called Sutcliffe No More. He also worked with Bodychoke, Inertia and Patient K. Most of his music has its background in the power electronics scene that evolved in Great Britain around the label Come Organisation and the group Whitehouse. Power electronics is a style of noise music that typically consists of static, screeching waves of feedback, analogue synthesizers making sub-bass pulses or high frequency squealing sounds; with screamed and distorted vocals. The genre is noted for its influence from industrial. It is generally atonal, like most noise music and also features a lack of conventional melodies or rhythms. To match its sonic excess, power electronics relies heavily upon extreme thematic and visual content: whether in lyrics, album art, or live performance actions. For his solo work, Kevin sometimes uses a very different style to his group work. An autoharp or chord zither is a string instrument belonging to the zither family. It uses a series of bars individually configured to mute all strings other than those needed for the intended chord. This album's music was all generated on such an instrument and is totally different to Sutcliffe No More. Its roots lie in avantgarde music rather than noise, with rhythms and melodies generated on the instrument. It was edited from over 20 different recordings to present an album of stunning variety and beauty.