
Cian Nugent "Doubles" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)


Label: VHF Records

同VHF Recordsから多くのアルバムが復刻されているJack Roseと同様、ジョン・フェイヒィらの影響下にあるアイルランドはダブリンの孤高のギタリストCian Nugent。2023年に7年振りのアルバムがリリースされましたが、本作は2011年出版の2ndアルバム[Doubles]。長編2曲が収録されており、フェイヒィの[Fare Forward Voyagers]を思わせる絶妙なフィンガースタイルで進行する[Peaks & Troughs]でスタート。そして[Sixes & Sevens]では版元解説にもある通り、ドラム、オルガン、ヴィオラ、金管楽器のサポートを受けたジム・オルークの[Bad Timing]的ジャムを披露。曲の構成も非常にカッコイイ。

"Doubles" is the first widely-available release by Irish guitarist Cian Nugent, a showcase of major talent in an audacious setting of two side-long epics. Clearly inspired by the Takoma-classics and the recent generation of greats (Rose, Jones, etc), Cian delivers two perfectly formed takes on the classic steel-string sound, one (mostly) unaccompanied, the other an expertly arranged full-band throwdown. "Peaks & Troughs" is a slow-building solo piece in the style of Fahey's "Fare Forward Voyagers," with each part perfectly connected to the previous. Cian has ample technique, but the virtuosity here is all in service of the mood and the build up. His guitar has a darker, more intimate sound than many current players, without the brittle ring common to fingerstyle. The emergence of a deep drone after 15 minutes shakes up the track, like a swarm of bees spilling out of the speakers. In contrast, "Sixes & Sevens" is a percolating jam in the style of Jim O'Rourke's classic LP "Bad Timing," with Cian's steel string riding an inventive wave of drums, organ, viola, woodwinds, and brass in an ambitious, filmic masterpiece. The main tune of the song is instantly memorable, building momentum before a subdued interlude that resets things for an elegant, orchestrated finish.