Label: Art into Life - AIL028
フランスはパリを拠点に80年初頭より音楽家・パフォーマーとして活動を続けているManon Anne Gillis。ブリュッセルにて即興ピアニスト/ドラマーとして演奏活動を行なってきたPaul Abbott、サクソフォニスト、またライターとして執筆活動も行うSeymour Wrightのデュオユニット"XT"と共にリモートで完成させた2021年の共同録音。ロンドンの実験音楽ライブハウス"Cafe OTO"のウェブ・ライブ放送の為に用意された作品であり、2021年6月1日にノンストップでブロードキャストされた音源。放送を通して録音自体を成長させるという主旨のもと、演奏というスタイルではなく緻密なサウンドの構築に拘り抜いた1時間の記録。
マスタリングはGiuseppe Ielasiが担当。限定200部。
Anne Gillis (Paris) is a composer and performer since the eighties, Paul Abbott (Antwerp ) is a musician, drummer, writer, and Seymour Wright (London) is a saxophonist and writer. In 2021, during Covid restrictions, the trio of Anne Gillis and XT (Paul Abbott and Seymour Wright) developed a piece remotely together for Café Oto online radio broadcast program. A one-hour piece titled “Our/s Bouture(s)” was ‘broadcast’ on 1 June 2021 to online audinece, and we present a complete program with careful CD mastering by Giuseppe Ielasi. The trio’s concept for “Our/s Bouture(s)” is to ‘plant’ sounds and movements, which will grow and evolve through broadcasting, and what you will hear is not a 'performance' but a one-hour journey of organic sonic sound structure.
Mastered by Giuseppe Ielasi.Limited to 200 copies.
The recording was played back live inside cafe OTO, on Tuesday 1 June 2021.
Anne Gillis – sounds/noises
Paul Abbott – drums and synthetic sounds
Seymour Wright – actual and potential saxophone
Recorded: Anne Gillis (Paris), Paul Abbott (Brussels) Seymour Wright and Shaun Crook (London)
Thank you: Diaphonique, Cafe OTO, Anna Schauder, and Fielding Hope
"[Dear Anne]
In response to your work, we had initially thought about exploring together the shapes, processes and sounds of arcs and folds; and we are also, now, thinking about things which are hidden – masked/private, behind screens and through filters – but that grow on (given/giving life?).
We imagine a room – OTO – which we move around (with sounds) in which we are planting bulbs, sprouts/roots, seeds, graftings/clippings (but these plants are sounds and movements), which grow and evolve organically, but can repeat mechanically. Many births!"
Our/s Bouture(s) was developed remotely, together by Anne Gillis and XT (Paul Abbott and Seymour Wright) in response to the invitation above – recorded and assembled – in three locations during 2021: Paris (Anne), Brussels (Paul) and London (Seymour).
Seymour: "Now that we have had some time to listen and reflect on the sets of WAVs the three of us have made, we'd like to work out how best to grow them into something final for OTO.
"OTO will 'broadcast' what we assemble form our material – but we have much flexibility what this hour (it could be more if we want) of material is, and the context of the 'broadcast'. Currently this seems like: a playback of the 'broadcast' we make, inside OTO (to a very small audience) – OTO opens again for some events from May 17 – and then the 'broadcast' being made available to listeners as an on-line broadcast through OTO's website for a fixed period of time (we suggest one week?) so it's possibly available for a wider, more international listening public, before being taken down off the website.
(There is then also the possibility in the longer term that we can use this same material to produce a record, CD, or digital download, and use it as a basis for future collaboration together in performance.)"
“Paul and me have been thinking about how best to work with the material that the three of us have created – to grow something to form this 'broadcast' for OTO (and potentially future work(s)). There seem many different ways that we could move this on – pruning, grafting, building up, or working back from the trunks, something more palimpsest-ian, or an aggregate of everything/most. And so, we thought we'd ask you if you have a suggestion, method or preference for how to arrange the respective growths? We would like it, if you would be happy, if you would make the first suggestion/election/edit from our collected material, to get the process started.”