
Hyunhye Seo "Eel" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)


Label: Room40

00年代初頭より活動するJamie Stewart率いるエクスペリメンタル・バンドXiu Xiuに参加、個人ではマルチインストゥルメンタリストとして活動する女性プレイヤーAngela Seo。タイトル及びジャケットデザインの通り"ウナギ"の生態にフォーカスした長編ドローン作。実際にウナギに関連するサウンドがマテリアルとして使用されているかは定かでは無いですが、ピアノらしき音と金属質の謎の物体音を多用し抑揚のあるノイジー持続音を放射。極めて硬派な作り込みがカッコ良く、各マテリアルにこの人物のセンスの良さが確認出来ます。お馴染みエンボス加工スリーブ、インサートカードが付属。

Monochrome printed, matte laminated and embossed CD with insert card.

A Note From Hyunhye Seo
Every year, the eels arrive in Sargasso. The eels that sprang to life when the sun god Atum warmed the Nile, the eels generated within the entrails of the earth, from the rubbing of the rocks and dew drops on riverbanks, they travel thousands of kilometres to Sargasso to breed.

Their larvae, eels of glass, move to freshwater homes, crawling across land or up waterfalls if necessary, breathing through their skins, to get to where they want to go, although no one knows exactly where or why. Sometimes, they eat snakes and birds. After decades, when they're ready to breed, they stop eating and develop sex organs, and they travel back to Sargasso. If they can't go back to Sargasso, they never fully mature. They just stop ageing.

No human has seen eels breed. Freud dissected over 400 eels in search of eel testicles. Aristotle thought they grew from earthworms in dirt. No one knows why they go where they go, or how they find their way back.