
Eryck Abecassis "Siamoises" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)


Label: Fragment Factory

エリアン・ラディーグの強靭カバーを行うKasper T Toeplitz率いる電子音楽ユニットKernelの一員であり、Francisco Meirinoと共にINA-GRMでのレコーディング作品を残している音楽家Eryck Abecassis。ドイツのアヴァンレーベルFragment Factoryが出版したソロアルバム[Siamoises]。ダブルネックのベースとギターを使った様々な実験記録を纏めたアルバムで、石やスティック、自作の改造弓を使った2つのネックの同時演奏、モジュラーシンセを使った厳つい即興、それらを複雑に再構築した相互作用の電子音楽など、徹底した硬派な音源だけが続きます。

Siamoises explore the figure of the doubles through ten compositions for a double necked basse & guitare in interaction with a modular system.
Instead of playing one neck then the other, I often play them together, which is of course not possible with the conventionnal play-modes. New gestures habe been found to make the two necks sounding together, resulting in intense harmonic relations. I spent many time outside and inside the studio. During that time I was constantly searching new materials, like copper foils, stones, special sticks for the drumming on the strings, and I rebuilded also a special electronic-bow (e-bow) to be played “under“ the strings.

After that first phase, I decided to do a synthesis of all those discoveries by drawing the score-map.

Second phase has been a recording time, mostly improvised, while I was constructing simultaniously the synthetizer patch.

Finally, third and last phase was the composition of the pieces present on the release. Those pieces have been recorded in one shot on four tracks session – two for the respective bass and guitar necks, the two others for the synthesizer outputs – with very few edit (mostly length). After that I re-recorded some others extra-transformations of the double-necks tracks, by a send-return into a Verbos Bark Filter (a twelve band spectral filter, who act here as a six band vocoder) .