
Roxane Metayer "Perl​e​e de s​eve" [LP]

価格: 3,817円(税込)


Label: Marionette

今回も高内容!!2021年3月にリリースしたデビュー作[Eclipse Des Ocelles]は2回再プレスされる程の超話題/人気作となり、その後50部限定で発表した傑作2nd[Paroles Cavernicoles]も素晴らし過ぎたフランス孤高のヴァイオリニストRoxane Metayer。英Marionetteより待望のソロ3rdアルバムがリリース。[Eclipse Des Ocelles]の続編になるという長編アルバムであり、様々なアニメーションやナレーションの研究より学んだイメージをアンビエント、ドローン、フォークロア、マントラのハイブリッドとして提示。やはり凄い音楽性です。180グラム重量盤。

- Printed artwork on reverse-board sleeve.
- Pressed on 180g Vinyl.
- Includes DL card.

In the midst of a wave of hybridizing ambient, drone, folklore and experimental electroacoustic music, Roxane Métayer has gained a cult following with only a couple of releases to date. Following her debut album (Éclipse Des Ocelles) for Morc with a split EP and a limited cassette for Wabi-Sabi, Roxane now turns to Marionette with her intimate narrative based multi-instrumental recordings, a match made in the heavens if you ask us. With her violin, woodwind, voice and various effect pedals, Métayer takes the listener on a newfound journey into the ancient, medieval, and primordial.

Perl​é​e de s​è​ve is Métayer’s second full length, a sophomore to the critically acclaimed Éclipse Des Ocelles, where Métayer continues to sonically realize the map of the fictional habitats that inhabit her mind. Coming from a background of studying narration and different animation mediums, it’s no surprise that her recordings evoke vivid imagery and carry a trace of the environment they were conceived in. The instruments morph as extensions of her body and ultimately become new organs, a means of communicating these bio-memetic stories and creating a dialogue between herself and her surroundings. Meandering melodies intertwine with accompanying drones, mantra-like fragments and a handfeel percussion lend themselves as living and breathing elements in Roxane’s beguiling and spellbinding anecdotes.

Roxane is an observer of the world, her projects conceived from elements that inform her reality, such as the organic imagery and sounds of nature, then transforming that into a strangely familiar parallel universe that would not exist otherwise. Whether it's active research or taking her instruments to the forest, Métayer opens up her imagination by taking this mental journey to discover locations, creatures, and time periods then channeling that into her own fairy tales. The album and track titles act as a portal into those worlds, like chapters in a book where the protagonists are animalia, plantae, and fungi. As Métayer wrote in an interview: “Stories are a privileged way to create an awareness of a specific subject.”