
Leda "Neuter" [LP]

価格: 3,927円(税込)


Label: Discreet Music

貴重な単独名義作!!スウェーデンDan Johansson(Sewer Election)周辺を中心とする変則音楽プロジェクトForlag For Fri Musikの紅一点にして、当店激推しのデュオユニット"Neutral"の片割れを務めるSofie Herner。並行して2014年頃から変名ソロLedaとしても活動している人物で、本作は6年振りとなる超久々のフルアルバム。過去に発表した音源はどれも入手困難となっている人気作家で、この名義ではとりわけ反復を全面に出したミニマル・ノイズ/インダストリアルを展開。ギターをラフにガキゴキと掻き鳴らす激シブなスタイルはひたすらにカッコイイ。入手可能な内に是非!!

Sofie Herner (Enhet För Fri Musik, Neutral) returns with Neuter, the first proper album since the Gitarrmusik III-X LP released on Förlag För Fri Musik back in 2017. Neuter was recorded between 2018 and 2021 and is the culmination of a very distinctive and unmistakable sound Sofie has developed and refined during close to 10 years now. The music of Leda is based on primitive guitar loops of various lenghts, loops that intervenes and creates peculiar rhythms and subtle harmonies. Slow-burning proto-industrial basement buzz with occasional vocals buried in the mix. The connection to the sullen soundscapes of Neutral is of course there, but the skeletal, monotonous compositions and austere nature of things sets this apart widely. Years has passed and Neuter is ultimately more Malmö than Gothenburg. Hints has been thrown out on a handful of limited in-between releases on labels like Knotwilg and Kashual Plastik during the last few years, but Neuter is the pinnacle of Herner's body of solo work. Nine tracks, 37 minutes.

Mastered by Linus at Elementstudio and comes packaged in a cover jacket with full colour printed inside.