
Sonmi451 "The Eighteen Minute Gap" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)


Label: LAAPS

2005年頃よりベルギーはハッセルトからミニマルなアンビンエト音響作を発信、セルフリリースを含め現在まで20タイトル以上をリリース、2017年には同系統のEilean Rec.からデビュー、そして2021年には同LAAPSからも音源を出したSonmi451ことBernard Zwijzen。様々なソフト及びハードウェア・シンセとサンプラーを駆使し、グリッチ中心のミニマル・サウンドスケープを展開。マシニックでありながらも有機的という不思議な没入サウンドを聴かせます。お馴染みCDスリーヴを完全シール留めしたセンスの良いパッケージ。CD版は限定200。

• Glass mastered CD
• Digisleeve : white cardboard 300 gm
• Outside : x 2 adhesive glossy paper
• Inside : thick paper card + x 2 stickers
• Hand numbered Limited edition to 200 copies, sealed (like old book)

Since 2005, under the moniker Sonmi451 (a character from David Mitchell's novel "Cloud Atlas"), Bernard Zwijzen creating his own blend of minimal, soundscape-laden atmospheric electronics in Hasselt, Belgium.
He has been previously released on labels such as : U-Cover, Slaapwel Records, Time Released Sounds, Eilean Rec. and LAAPS. "The Eighteen Minute Gap" is his thirteenth releases.


The Eighteen Minute Gap lets you embark on a mysterious journey into a world of ethereal ambient music, where beautiful and soothing listening experiences await. Using field recordings and manipulating textures and sounds, Sonmi451 creates minimal yet tantalizing soundscapes, filled with intimate whispering voices.

Sonmi451 uses various soft- and hardware synths and samplers to create a truly unique and immersive audio experience where one is captivated by mystery and intrigue and immersed in a world of mysterious sounds where boundaries between reality and imagination begin to blur.