

V.A "Nordic Sound Art" [LP]

価格: 3,487円(税込)


Label: BIN

LP単体版を特別入手!!毎度完全パーソナルな視点にて面白サウンドアート物件を出版し続けているデンマークの作家Jonas Olesen。自国の美術アカデミーにも深く関与しておりNordic Sound Artなる教育プログラムを実施している人物で、なんと本作は学生らが制作した音響研究記録をLPにしたもの。もともとは作品に関する11種のフォトインサートが付属していたものですがそちらは廃盤、本作は特別に提供頂いたLPのみのエディション。巨大な給水塔内部、テレビモニター、35mmフィルム、光、水流を使ったシステムなど、どれも興味深く且つ結果として得られているサウンドが非常に格好良い。


"The Nordic Sound Art programme is a high-level education programme in sound art, structured as a[n] cooperative effort between a number of Nordic fine arts academies.
The programme was initiated in 2007, and is structured as a series of intense workshops and courses, dealing with sound art.
The group of students travels [are thus traveling, as a group,] to the affiliated academies, experiencing the different institutions, local art scenes and cities around Scandinavia. The physical dislocation often sets a special frame around the courses, as the students are out of their usual surroundings and comfort zones, which emphasizes a certain focused atmosphere.
The programme cycle (2012-1014) included the fine arts academies in Copenhagen, Umeå, Helsinki and Bergen.
During the two years a large number of different subjects have been covered, from field recording with underwater microphones, exploration of drawn sound film techniques on 35mm film, to the exploration of the acoustics in a huge abandoned water tower in Helsinki. The programme aims to cover a wide range of subjects both theoretical and practical, thus the two years also included lectures, gallery visits, film screenings and public performances.
Each programme cycle ends with a final exhibition, which is documented here.
The exhibition took place at The Fine Arts Academy of Umeå, Sweden in September 2014.
As the eight artists comes from very different backgrounds and nationalities, they all have unique approaches to the field of sound art.
The works were exhibited in two different rooms: a large hall with a high ceiling, and a smaller room with a view to the Umeå river. Some works were producing sound in themselves, others required physical action from the spectators to produce sound.
All though the works were very different in nature, special themes and lines of thought seemed to emerge, as out of thin air, as no specific themes were discussed prior to the exhibition. As such the exhibition formed an organic whole, comprising of much more than the sum of it's parts.
On behalf of The Nordic Sound Art programme, I wish to thank the participating artists and institutions, especially The Academy of Fine Arts in Umeå and it's dean Micael Norberg for hosting the exhibition. Also sound artists Brandon Labelle and Imri Sandström for their reflective essays included in this catalogue. At last, a warm thanks to KUNO for their support to the programme and for the funding of this catalogue."

Jonas Olesen, coordinator, Nordic Sound Art programme.