
Witcyst "Soibiast Anti-Culler" [LP]

価格: 3,927円(税込)


Label: Alga Marghen

80年代後半からニュージーランドにてユニークなノイズ作品を作り続けてきた孤高のアウトサイダーMichael Veet Ruiliudeの個人プロジェクトであるWitcyst。ライブパフォーマンスは一切行わず約30年間ひたすら音作品だけを作り続けてきた作家で、アートオブジェの様な装丁の自主制作Lathe Cutシングルを大量に生産した人物。機材は上下逆さまに操作、また様々な物体を用い得体の知れないサウンドを制作。声?、ドラムソロ?、ハムノイズ?の様な音色が不明瞭な形でドロドロと流れゆくベッドルーム雑音&コンクレート。ジャケットはシルク刷り仕様。


Soibiast Anti-Culler was recorded in 1995 by the winterless north of New Zealand's Witcyst. Another monolithic skid mark serving of crackers plucked from the man's vast lifetime archive of sound making and beard. Witcyst makes his music with oceans of constant daily mutation. Machines get used upside down and back to front and inside out. Layers of string, tin foil and expired medicine are saved up to dazzle the eye. Parcels in the post come and go full of nostril hair and pamphlets and wool.

What would that sound like through a funnel and a heavy metal pedal? Is the room shrinking? One knock for yes. Two for no. This audio is severely distressed and swollen. It is particularly buried and murky and howling here. Are they voices or organs? Meat or musical instruments? Is that a drum solo or decades of tape degradation? Are the hums musical or malfunctioning? It starts to sound like it was recorded inside your brain and has always been there. Who knows if it means any harm? And then it starts to sound like a basket full of wise puppies.

Soibiast Anti-Culler is one of the most relevant works among at least a thousand albums Witcyst has originally released on cassettes and CDR's on his own Extemporaneous and Lifespace labels since the early 1990s.