
Ulla E. Straus and John Andrew Wilhite "Spatial Data Management (Original Score)" [CD + 24-page booklet]

価格: 2,497円(税込)


Label: Reading Group

24ページのブックレットが付属する100部限定の初回版を入荷!!ジョン・ケージの76年楽曲[44 Harmonies From Apartment House 1776]をリアライズしたバンド"Cop Tears"の一員であるJohn Andrew Wilhite、Boomkat Editionsを含む様々なレーベルより実験的なアンビエント音源を出版しているUlla E. Straus、この男女コンビが制作したエッセイ映画[Spatial Data Management (2021)]のサントラ。古いテープのサウンドやアコーディオン演奏、鳥や蜂、サイレン等の単調なサウンドスケープをブレンドした静謐なアンビエンスが美しい31分1トラックの長編。

First edition of 100 CDs with 24-page booklet with liner notes and stills from the film Spatial Data Management by Greyory Blake, first run includes black replica IBM card.

Reading Group, in collaboration with Braddock, PA-based imprint Huner Francis, is pleased to present "Spatial Data Management (Original Score)" by Ulla E. Straus and John Andrew Wilhite, a beautiful score to an equally beautiful film by Philadelphia-based artist Greyory Blake.

The score to Spatial Data Management (2021) is a contemplative and referential ambient work. It provides the backdrop for the essay film’s exploration of how stolen value and the contemporary predicaments of AI technologies mirror problems wrestled with by Baroque thinkers.

Wilhite began the compositional process by compiling a series of excerpts from old tapes and sessions with accordionist Kalle Moberg. He blended their muffled recordings of Giovanni Battista Pergolesi’s Sabat Mater (1736), a devotion to Mary in medieval Latin, with droning soundscapes of birds, bees, and sirens, and didn’t whittle away atmospherics. François Couperin’s Les Barricades Mystérieuses (1717) for harpsichord wax and wane between organ and synthesizer as alternating translations of analog to digital. The movement calls to mind the film’s themes of how contemporary technologies change our relationship to what we think is
natural, what we refer to as the source. Straus then mixed the fragments Wilhite assembled, focusing them through what might be described as acts of musical grace, knowing without stealing.