
Walter Maioli "Caverne Sonore" [LP]

価格: 4,037円(税込)


Label: Black Sweat Records

当店激推しの[Art Of Primitive Sound]好きはお見逃し無く!!当店にて1993年のデッドストックCDを長年紹介し続けてきた、Futuro Antico、またAktualaでお馴染みの奇才Walter Maioliによる何万年前もの音具及び楽器をリアライズした名作[Art of Primitive Sound]。本作はその路線に地質学的要素を導入した巨大な鍾乳洞内部での演奏記録[Caverne Sonore](2006年)の復刻版。オルガン、グロッケンシュピール、木琴、石のマリンバによる多彩なパッセージが、洞窟内の残響にて幽玄な音像へと異化される超傑作。ブックレット付き。

The explorer Walter Maioli makes his most amazing adventure, the journey to the center of the Earth. Retracing the exploits of the Platonic demiurge, he identifies in the cave the deepest meaning of myth. Primordial sounds, not shadows, are at the center of this magical path straddling geology and Paleolithic polyphony. The recordings between 1985 and 2002 capture the sonic imperceptibility of the great subterranean womb, investigate the secret dialogue between the trickling of pond waters and the faint percussive reverberation of stalactites and stalagtites. Rocky sediments are played as tubular organs, glockenspiels, xylophones or stone marimbas. Crystalline timbral variations and subtle microtonal passages recall the chimes of Tibetan gongs and bells, of the scales of Java and Bali. Amidst muffled pauses and silences, trills and rings, echoes and tremolos, hisses and pops of vibration, Maioli builds his most imaginative niche of sound, a magnetic and telluric chant that is pure symphony and archetypal synaesthesia. Co-produced with Holidays Records.