
Aron Porteleki & Tom Mudd "Eleven Tension" [LP]

価格: 3,927円(税込)


Label: NEXT Festival Records

このレーベルらしい秀逸な即興ライブもの!!電子音楽や即興演奏、サウンドアート、オーディオビジュアルまで、様々な音実験の探求が披露されるスロバキアの祭典NEXT Festival。この団体が20周年を機に始動した、フェスティバルのライブ録音音盤化シリーズ!!本作は過去にEntr'acteからソロ作を出版しているPC上で創作バーチャル楽器を奏でるTom Muddと、パーカッショニスト兼ビオリストのAron Portelekiの即興セッション。ありえないサウンドながらナゼか有機的質感のバーチャル楽器と、まさにフィジカル要素満載のドラムが交錯、躓きリズム&パターン、歪んだテクスチャのタペストリーが不思議な抑揚で流れる30分間。

Recorded at NEXT Festival 2022, their collaboration synergizes across the two sides of 'Eleven Tension'.

The result is this rambling (and consistently surprising) sonic odyssey that bridges the divergent sonic landscapes of both musicians.

Mudd's impossible virtual instruments intertwine seamlessly with Porteleki's skittery percussive outbursts, creating an elusive tapestry of rhythms, patterns, and textures that transcends the boundaries between the virtual and the corporeal.

Like modern-day bards, ethnologists, and folklorists charting uncharted sonic territories, they navigate the liminal space between imaginary and tangible, where the act of obfuscation blurs the boundary lines demarcating drum skins from viola strings, computer tones from MIDI notes, and reality from illusion, leaving behind a trail of enigmatic sonic artefacts scattered throughout the performance.

A duo of irony, smoke, and mirrors, computer musician Tom Mudd and percussionist/violist Áron Porteleki operate at either side of the same see-saw, teetering between realms of digital and tangible soundscapes.

Mudd's artistic voyage is anchored in the realm of physical modelling synthesis, an exploration of the nuanced interplay between software and improvised music, delving deep into the multifaceted realms of algorithmic composition and digital sonic artistry.

Meanwhile, Porteleki's expansive oeuvre, entrenched within Budapest's avant-garde music sphere, spans a rich tapestry of compositions for theatrical productions.

As with his eclectic array of collaborations – bands like 12z and Decolonize Your Mind Society – Porteleki's solo projects often emerge from deconstructive or expansive explorations of percussion and viola. drawing inspiration from his folk roots, free-jazz, and cacophonous noise.