
Hermann Nitsch "Das Orgien Mysterien Theater - Musik des 6​-​Tage​-​Spiels 2022" [2CD]

価格: 3,377円(税込)


Label: Trost Records

名作シリーズの最終章!!1938年にウィーン出身、宗教美術に興味を持ち1957年には先鋭演劇"Orgien Mysterien Theater"を始動する事となる、実験マルチメディア・アーティストにしてウィーン・アクショニズムの代表格Hermann Nitsch。本作は2022年4月の氏の他界後、約24年振りに上演された"Orgien Mysterien Theater"の最終章の模様を記録した歴史的2CD。視覚的な部分は勿論のこと音楽が重要な役割を果たすとされる芸術劇。まさに崇高と言える神秘的持続音の渦に身を委ねて頂きたい超傑作。

24 years after Hermann Nitsch's first realisation of the 6-day-play (1998), his Gesamtkunstwerk once again took place in July 2022, shortly after the artist passed away in April.

"The 6-day-play of the Orgien Mysterien Theater, is to become the greatest and most important festival of mankind (it is an aesthetic ritual of the glorification of existence). It is at the same time a popular festival and a mystery of existence brought to consciousness. The festival of the o.m. theatre has no other pretext than the mystical glorification of our being here." - Hermann Nitsch

The Orgien Mysterien Theatre is an artistic endeavour. In addition to the visual idea of form, music plays an essential role. The basic concept of the play is based on a symphonic idea. The setting for the action is taking place in the castle complex in Prinzendorf with all its rooms, as well as the surrounding landscape of the Lower Austrian Weinviertel.