
Kassel Jaeger "ARITHW" [Transparent LP]

価格: 4,037円(税込)


Label: Sedimental

(予約受付中 - 10月中旬入荷予定)

アーリー・エレクロトニクス及び持続音ファンは是非!!多くの説明は不要、パリを拠点とするコンポーザー/サウンドエンジニアにして、フランス電子音楽界の重要機関"GRM"の芸術監督を務めるKassel Jaeger。米バーモント州ブラッテルボロにあるEpsilon Spiresアートセンターでの、アーティスト・イン・レジデンス中に取り組んだという[ARITHW]が音盤化。3層構造となっている礼拝堂の音響効果を利用した空間録音であり、古いオルガンによって生成された持続音が絶妙な複雑さと緊張感を保ち続ける非常に奥深い作品。流石の高内容です。180グラム・クリアヴァイナル仕様。

limited edition to 600 / 180g transparent vinyl

ARITHW (A Rift in the Horizon's Wall) was developed during an artist residency at the Epsilon Spires art center based in Brattelboro, VT, USA. During this residency, François J. Bonnet appropriated the space to create original music. Using their 1906 Estey 3-Manual Organ Pipe as his primary source, Bonnet then set about exploring secondary instrumental sources, such as the in house grand piano, but also, and perhaps more importantly, the acoustics of the three-tiered sanctuary of the former historic church (built 1889) that is now Epsilon Spires. ARITHW unfolds like an interstice, a gap between two frames on a flat surface generated by the organ, a surface that shatters to reveal an unclear, ghostly, and elusive space. In this work, Bonnet focuses on more instrumental material, only to subvert it and dilute it further before melting it into an uncertain acoustic space that evokes reminiscences of Erik Satie, Walter Marchetti or even Eliane Radigue, as well as his own previous music and the liminal electroacoustic climates that have been his trademark for many years. A profound work of subtle complexity and suspended tension.