
Marco Paltrinieri "Ripari Minimi" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)


Label: Canti Magnetici

待望の2ndアルバム!!ピエール・アンリやリュック・フェラーリなどミュジーク・コンクレートの巨匠、米作曲家ロバート・アシュリーの初期実験、またカフカ等の謎めいた短編小説に触発され音楽活動を開始した、芸術研究集団Discipulaの創設メンバーでもあるMarco Paltrinieri。スポークンワードにフィールドレコーディング、不穏なメロディーをミックスする独特の作風を持つ作家であり、本作は4年振りとなるアルバム作品[Ripari Minimi]。囁きの様な語り?歌声に歪んだ日常風景が絡みつく、ミュージックコンクレート+アンビエンスという不思議な内容。

'It was not my strength that wanted nursing, it was my imagination that wanted soothing.'
Joseph Conrad

“Ripari Minimi” is the second album by Marco Paltrinieri on Canti Magnetici and it is a very different affair from its 2020 predecessor “The Weaver”. Almost entirely instrumental, with the exception of a few tracks sung by Paltrinieri himself, “Ripari Minimi” gathers ten songs that transcend genre boundaries while exploring the tension between song-based composition and musique concrete experimentation.
Entirely composed and recorded at home, often in the presence of Paltrinieri’s two children in the background, all the tracks from “Ripari Minimi” seem to share a singular porosity in which, with varying degrees of control and intentionality, the sounds and voices of day to day life invade compositions for synths, guitar and a rich array of other instruments.
Sonically speaking, this approach leads to a series of atmospheric and open-ended songs where influences ranging from abstract pop and slowcore to ambient music are deconstructed and reconfigured. Yet, beneath the surface, a more nuanced exploration unfolds: Paltrinieri delves into the complex dynamics of the family environment, a potential catalyst for anxiety and fear but also a safe harbor and a wellspring of inspiration. “Ripari Minimi” exemplifies Marco Paltrinieri's artistic progression, inviting listeners to explore the intricacies of both personal and sonic realms.