Label: Cronica
サウンドアート、エコロジー、聴覚文化のフェスティバルとして自らを定義し、観客参加型のインスタレーションやサウンドパフォーマンスを展開する"Lisboa Soa"。活動に大きなインスピレーションを与えてきた学問である音響エコロジーは特に重要なコンテンツであり、本作は4人のポルトガル人アーティストに委託し実現した音響エコロジーV.A。UnfathomlessからリリースしているJoao Castro Pinto以外は無名という激シブな人選ですが、それぞれの考える都市環境や架空のサウンドスケープはどれも硬派で素晴らしい。
Defining itself as a festival of sound art, ecology and auditory culture, Lisboa Soa seeks to value contemporary artistic creation, but assigning it a social and ecological context, of direct intervention in space, encouraging the participation of different audiences through installations and sound performances, auditory education workshops, debates, lectures and tours focused on the sense of hearing. The purpose of Lisboa Soa is to encourage listening to better understand the place we occupy, and to raise awareness of the impact of human presence on the planet.
Acoustic ecology, the discipline that inspired the festival since its foundation, places listening at the centre, and this is also the focus of Lisboa Soa: to shift attention to the ears and to create conditions, spatial and temporal, that are conducive to the act of listening attentively. One of the main goals of Lisboa Soa is to bring the audience to iconic spaces and create auditory experiences that guide visitors through these spaces, while at the same time provoking a reflection on the involvement of human beings with the environment, with others, with the city and how it all connects through sound.
In 2021, after five editions — one of them particularly intense, during a year of pandemic and restrictions — Lisboa Soa decided to “listen backwards”, commissioning four compositions to four Portuguese artists, who delved into the festival’s sound archive to create new interpretations and meanings from it. This album is created from these compositions: it is a work about memory, with an ear to the future.
Raquel Castro