Label: Editions Verde
主に沈黙を使う長編作で知られ、大規模アンサンブルや抽象フィールドレコーディング、そしてジョン・ケージ、クリスチャン・ウォルフ、ジェームズ・テニーら巨匠勢の作品演奏も行うヴァンデルヴァイザー派の重要コンポーザーMichael Pisaro-Liu。氏が一種の実験的なポップスアルバムとして2006年~2010年に掛けて作曲した作品の大聖堂内でのライブ録音集。ボーカルに米SSWにしてマルチインスゥルメンタリストJulia Holterをフィーチャー、既存のポピュラーミュージック、カントリー、ブルース曲を実験的な解釈で導き出した美しい混沌作品。
"Tombstones," a collection of twenty songs composed by Michael Pisaro-Liu between 2006 and 2010, constitutes a kind of experimental pop. The pieces take tiny fragments of existing popular, country, or blues songs and put them into an experimental musical situation, introducing them to a kind of chaos, where the arrangement of written-out material is up for grabs. This release features a selection of six songs performed and recorded live in Brooklyn in 2012. Under the direction of guitarist Jason Brogan, and featuring singer Julia Holter, the ensemble includes Tucker Dulin (trombone), Andrew Lafkas (double bass), Katie Porter (clarinets), Sam Sfirri (piano and melodica), and Ron Wiltrout (keyboard and percussion).
Recorded live on October 3, 2012 at Our Lady of Lebanon Cathedral, Brooklyn, New York; presented by ISSUE Project Room.
Jason Brogan, director and electric guitar
Tucker Dulin, trombone
Julia Holter, voice
Andrew Lafkas, bass
Katie Porter, clarinets
Sam Sfirri, melodica and piano
Ron Wiltrout, keyboard, percussion, and voice