
Roberto Musci "The Loa of music (The complete sessions)" [2LP]

価格: 5,577円(税込)


Label: Soave

オリジナルは凄まじい価格で取引される超傑作の完全版2LP!!1974年から1985年にかけてアフリカ、インド、東南アジアの音楽を学ぶために世界中を旅し、現地にて音楽を録音、世界各地の民族楽器を研究及び収集して来たイタリア実験界の重要人物の一人Roberto Musci。氏の歴史的傑作である1stアルバム[The Loa Of Music]の大幅拡張2LPリイシュー盤。もともとは全80分の音源でありながらオリジナルには何故かその半分しか収録されず(LP1枚分)、今回イタリアのカルト物件復刻レーベルSoaveが完全版として復刻。ブードゥー教の魔法の絵画や精霊にインスピレーションを得た作品であり、世界中の歴史的文化の音を非常に自然な形で融合させた前衛的且つ神秘的なアプローチ。

The Loa of Music is the first recording project of Milanese composer and musician Roberto Musci inspired by Voodoo Religion; Vever (the magical voodoo paintings) and Loas, the dark and magic spirits. The deep charm of non-Western music has led him to travel for many years across Africa, India and Asia, studying rhythms, scales, performance and interpretation of the most varied traditional and indigenous music, as well he make many field recordings and collected ethnic instruments that would then be combined with synthesizers and electronics in The Loa of Music.
Recorded in 1983 originally had 80 minutes of music but only half was released on original LP. SOAVE pressed for the first time the Complete Recording Session from original tapes of this masterpiece that combines in a natural, spontaneous and unforced manner the sounds of distant and historic cultures, loopped, cut and effected, with avantgarde and mystical approach creating a very personal and inspired innovative musical language.