
Adam Bohman "Text Pieces + Compositions for Prepared Strings and Objects" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)


Label: Krim Kram

個人的激推し作家!!英実験集団のMorphogenesis、兄弟ユニットBohman Brothersとしての活動、そしてLAFMS系テープ作家のJoseph Hammerとも共作を残しているUK実験界のベテランAdam Bohman。タイトルの通り、手作りの弦楽器及び小さなオブジェサウンドを使った複雑なクロースマイクによる即興演奏と、カットアップ・テキスト作品を網羅した新コレクション音源が登場。終わりも始まりも無いラフで生々しい物体音投下と、ヘンテコでユニークなボイス反復に身を委ねて頂きたい一枚。

New collection of Adam's signature cut-up found text pieces and intricate close-mic'd improvisations with homemade stringed instruments and small objects. Guaranteed to get your mouth watering and head spinning. While the ordinary well-adjusted citizen is liable to whitey within 30 seconds, those of us with stronger constitutions will be unfazed by the regressive babbling state you may find yourself in. Hold fast, you are one joyous step closer to enlightenment.

"Adam Bohman has been operating on the outer fringes of underground music for decades. Working with home-built instruments, found objects, tape cut-ups, collages, ink drawings and graphic scores. Favouring acoustic sounds over electronics, he explores the minute tendrils of sounds coaxed from any number of non-musical instruments and objects. He is a member of British experimental groups, Morphogenesis, The Bohman Brothers, Secluded Bronte, and The London Improvisers Orchestra. Adam's music is unique and experimental, incorporating Fluxus japery, musique concrete, sound poetry and free improvisation."