Label: Dirter Promotions
レア音源の未発表ミックス41種を詰め込んだ凄まじいコンセプトの7CD + 7インチ・ボックスセット!!48ページ・アートブックも付属!!80年代初頭から変則的なフォークを主軸とした作品を展開、David Tibetを核に流動的な編成にて活動し、Michael Cashmore、Steven Stapletonが永続メンバーで参加する英グループCurrent 93。共にレースカット盤にて限定39部という小部数で2023年に発表された2つのレア音源[The Long Shadow Falls]、[Why Can't We All Just Walk Away?]の41種の別ミックスが豪華仕様で作品化。始まりも終わりも無い、退廃的且つミステリアスな催眠ループが延々と続きます。更に1サイド仕様の7インチも付属し、こちらには無題の未発表曲を収録。
The Long Shadow Falls is Current 93's first-ever CD box-set, and is as beautiful as the moon! This gorgeous, elaborate, boxset consists of 7CDs, plus a 7" single, and a beautiful 48-page art-book. The Long Shadow Falls collects the 41 unknown and redreamt mixes that C93 created for two (long-ago sold-out) lathe-cut 12" releases, respectively titled The Long Shadow Falls and Why Can't We All Just Walk Away?, which were both issued in editions of just 39 copies, cut by The Bricoleur at Bladud Flies!, which came with hand-painted covers by David Tibet, and with original artwork by him inserted into each copy. It also adds two final mixes of "The Long Shadow Falls" that were not released on vinyl. The box-set cover, booklet, CD covers, and 7" single all carry images from David Tibet's Channelled Hallucinatory Shadowed Found Fotograph series. For these photographs of ghosts, C93 spelled: David Tibet, Andrew Liles, and ChoirBoyHigh.