
John Cage, Faust, Band of Pain "Radio music (1956)" [CD]

価格: 2,717円(税込)


Label: Dirter Promotions

超傑作、全編素晴らしいです!!瞬く間に完売となった10インチEPが大幅拡張仕様でCD化!!オリジナルは2011年に10インチEPで出版、伝説的クラウトロックバンドFaustのメンバーJean-Herve PeronとZappi、そしてここDirter PromotionsのオーナーでありNurse With Woundとも縁深いプロジェクトBand Of Painらによる、ジョン・ケージのRadio Music(1956)の再演集。オリジナルスコアを用い、忠実に6分間の騒々しいラジオ演奏を行ったそれぞれのテイクを収録、更に拡張仕様となった本作にはアンサンブルバージョンや別テイク、そしてラストには[4'33"]も収録。チューニングやボリューム操作など単調な行為の連続ですが、まさにシンプルがゆえのカッコ良さがあります。

Faust’s Jean-Hervé, Zappi and Steve Pittis recorded their interpretations of Radio Music independently in 2007 and 2010. They all felt it important to keep to the score as much as possible, given the obvious ambiguities of having to adapt it from Cage’s original 1956 score. These recordings were released as a 10” vinyl EP and sold out instantly, so here they are on CD format with some extras. During “lockdown”, it was obviously impossible to get together and perform, so an “ensemble” version culled from our takes has been mixed and is included here.

Also included is a version of 4’33” recorded live at the amphitheatre in Pompeii. This is a bonus track, as it’s obviously not part of the Radio Music sessions. For this reason, it is presented on the sleeve as a “penalty track” in anticipation of the inevitable criticism it will encourage.

The CD is packaged in a mini-LP sleeve, with printed inner sleeve too.