
Alan Lamb "Night Passage" [CD + Foldout Poster]

価格: 2,387円(税込)


Label: Room40

フィールドレコーディング、サウンドアートファンまで是非!!1944年スコットランドはエディンバラ出身、生物医学研究学者でありながら作曲家としても80年から活動しているAlan Lamb。短いワイヤーと木製及び金属製のゴングやフルートを繋ぎ合わせ、それを紐で吊るし風に演奏させるプリミティブシステム[singing wires]の録音がRoom40よりリリース。1983年~1997年という長い期間を掛けて録音されたもはや研究活動的録音物で、多くの種類の音色とリズムが出現、そしてその振動がワイヤーに伝わりワイヤーも独特の音を生み出すという、カッコ良すぎる実験結果が収録されています。折り込みポスター付き。

A note from Lawrence English
I’ll take a guess and say I first heard Alan Lamb’s Night Passage in 1999. Released by Darrin Verhagen’s seminal Dorobo label, the record birthed an approach that wove together themes of materialism, field recording and a reimagining of the abandoned utilities of human habitation.

Night Passage is one of those recordings I feel has always been with me, it’s that foundational. It completely reshaped the way a generation of audio explorers thought about how sound and music might exist in the orbit of each other.

On my first listen I’m confident I was unable to place exactly how these sounds were created, even knowing the source materials, but one thing I can say without reservation is their resonance has lingered with me these past couple of decades. The sound world Lamb captured, waves rippling along wires, was exquisitely simple, and effortlessly deep. Here, right before us, was a sound world locked within materials we pass by everyday. In tapping into these materials, Alan Lamb unlocked a parallel dimension of sense, one guided by interactions of objects and the environments surrounding them. An inorganic, living music the likes of which had not been readily available until the publication of his recordings.

Alan Lamb's work with long wires, undertaken in situ across Western Australia, are quite frankly the stuff of legend. To revisit them in such a focused way almost four decades on from their initial recording I’m struck by how other worldly and evocative they continue to be.

It’s with great pleasure we share Night Passage, completely remastered under the guidance of Alan himself.