Label: Fougere
シャンソンを音ネタにしたストレンジなテープループ作品!!ザ・ゲロゲリゲゲゲのVis A Vis Audio Artsから2013年カセットが復刻されていた、2009年結成のフランスのアヴァン・デュオBonne Humeur Provisoireの片割れGael Gittard。氏がMihaela Trifaなる謎作家と結成した新二人組ユニットGeometriesの1st LP。聴いての通り既成の作品及び自身の録音をドロドロに加工し電子音を投下しまくった、奔放な手法のテープループ使いが面白い10作品を収録。マスタリングはこの周辺の重要人物Manuel Duvalが担当、帯付きジャケット仕様。
magnetic tape turns, imperturbably, accompanied by the crackle of a vinyl and the waves of an old radio. A heart inhabits these vibrations transformed into hypnotic drones. The loops become celestial when a song emerges, close to an incantation or prayer. Other voices try to extricate themselves from this analog maelstrom, those of specters lost in foggy saturations. Terrifying sighs, nocturnal howls, witches' rites and otherworldly melancholy, the two musicians of Géométries know how to lead the listener like Jonathan Harker in search of a castle in the Carpathians, while stopping at the isolated hostel where the rare customers indulge in drunken dances worthy of Béla Tarr's Werckmeister Harmonies. In this plastic approach to sound with its funereal dreaminess, the project evokes as much the mystical tinkering of Vox Populi! than the post-industrial medievalism of The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud. The analog material is alive, the textures pulse, creating a space where beings from elsewhere express their pain and their poetry. Where « La tristesse du facteur » took the form of pagan folk and electroacoustic, Nebuloasa definitively chooses the hypnagogic space where the boundaries between life and death become blurred and where the repetition of messages is as much an occult invocation as a motionless trance.