
AMM "Generative Themes" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)


Label: Matchless Recordings - MRCD06

同レーベルの1983年LPに31分のボーナスを追加した94年リイシューCD。恐らく本作からピアノのJohn Tilburyが参加し3人編成のAMMへ。5つのパートに分かれた1982年〜83年の録音で、John Tilburyの重く冷たい響きのピアノを軸とし強靭なドラム&ギターを絡める初期名作。全77分。


One of their finest work - For all the lip service paid to the idea of the liberation of the performer, in contemporary art music creativity has become even more the prerogative of the individual and of the individual composer in particular. The goal of the composer, able to exercise control over all the parameters of every sound in the composition, has become the perfection of the ideal object, to which the composer enjoys a property relation. Instead of a relation between men, art becomes a relation to a thing and as a consequence some of music’s most characteristic and essential qualities are conspicuously missing from much contemporary composition. It has only been by dint of the improvisational ethic that qualities such as spontaneity, dialogue and transience have been rescued and restored. For AMM there is no ideal object to be projected, no ultimate condition, there are only possibilities to be perceived, transcended, made real. Within the possible, themes are suggested - what Paulo Freire described as ‘generative themes’. These generative themes are a consequence of a dynamic medium like improvisation.