

The Necks "Three" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)


Label: ReR - RER NECKS 14

活動30年以上を経て生み出した超傑作、コレはとてつもない録音!!1987年にピアノとハモンドオルガンのChris Abrahams、ベースとダブルベースのLloyd Swanton、ドラム、パーカッション、エレキギターのTony Buckが結成したオーストラリアの伝説的実験ジャズトリオThe Necks。2015年に同ReRから8枚組ボックスがリリースされましたが、本作は間違い無くその先への進化を果たした2020年最新アルバム[Three]。即興を軸とするライブとは対照的にスタジオ録音は緻密に作り込むスタイルをとっており、リスナーの脳をグラグラと揺らす反復、密度の高いノイジー・サウンドスケープとも言える音像、暖かさと親しみやすさを持つ魅惑の旋律、イメージの異なる3つの楽曲にて完全没入系の世界を作り上げています。




Three, the 21st album from legendary Australian instrumental trio The Necks, is a winding, textural, and visceral musical exploration through three individual, contrasting tracks that each delve into separate tenets of their sound.
Three’s variety of tones and structures offer a glimpse into the boundless, immersive sonic universe The Necks have been constructing, through recorded and live performance, for over 30 years: three musicians, three variable songs, highlighting three decades of groundbreaking experimental excellence. From its very first moments, “Bloom” rattles and propels listeners through a dense, mesmerizing soundscape of unceasing intensity. Directly juxtaposing the consuming rattle of the opener, “Lovelock,” dedicated to the memory of Damien Lovelock, former frontman of The Celibate Rifles, is a weightless and atmospheric threnody that ruminates in the quiet and overwhelming moments of grief. The final setting of Three is one of warmth and familiarity. “Further,” is a confident, seductive groove in a quintuple meter, reminiscent of the groups’ work on records like Sex (1989) and Aquatic (1994).

Contrasting the style of their celebrated improvisational live act, the group’s studio work is meticulously sculpted from beginning to end. On Three, Chris Abrahams (piano), Lloyd Swanton (bass), Tony Buck (drums/percussion), and their long-time backend collaborators Tim Whitten (engineer) and Doung Henderson (master) have again scrupulously built music that focuses on the most intricate edges of staggeringly immense, diverse worlds. From strained to still to smoky, each piece of Three marks itself as distinct and its own, but all feel representative of Australia’s greatest cult band, The Necks.