
Artificial Memory Trace "Hypnotikon (AustralOpus 2)" [CD]

価格: 2,167円(税込)


Label: Unfathomless - U32

多くの音盤リリースが続いた人気作家Artificial Memory TraceことSlavek Kwiによる2016年最初の作品。このUnfathomlessは激しくイジったものを出さないレーベルですが、本作はかなりゴリゴリに加工した完全なコンクレートもの。バッチリと作り込んでいます。マスト。

Garig Gunak Barlu. There is a remote mystery to the place. The night is full of murmurs. Relentless and hypnotic choruses of insects pulsate in tandem with the rush of high-tide. And the occasional gecko barks remote mystery to the place. The night is full of murmurs. Relentless and hypnotic choruses of insects pulsate a remote mystery to the place. The night is full of murmurs. Relentless and hypnotic choruses of insects pulsate in tandem with the rush of high-tide. And the occasional gecko barks remote mystery to the place. The night is full of murmurs. Relentless and hypnotic choruses of insects pulsate hypnotic choruses of insects pulsate in tandem with the rush of high-tide. And the occasional gecko barks insects pulsate hypnotic choruses insects pulsate hypnotic choruses insects pulsate hypnotic choruses insects pulsate hypnotic choruses insects pulsate hypnotic choruses insects pulsate hypnotic choruses insects pulsate hypnotic choruses insects pulsate hypnotic choruses insects hypnotic chorpulsate uses hypnotic chorhypnotic chorhypnotic chororhypnoorhypnoorhypnoorhypnotikamhypnotika…
I adore it. Cannot stop hearing it. It is absolutely fascinating. Sort of difficult to describe. Relentless waves white in noise battering the hazy steamy heat rattling in myriads of tiny tiny t i nn ie s t particles of air spraying across deserts of grains of wavy kaleidoscope of insect … locusts, grasshoppers, leafhoppers, whatever-hop-on-hoppers stridulating their songs of devotions.
Organlike tones. Sudden and leaping from raspy chords of dry wings, again forgotten against the wall of distorted notion of time. Velvety mist of dark tones from depth of the abyss whispering to my ears about the hope. Hope of harmony. In between all creatures. Everywhere. Every time, even in the water shallows of individual proclamations, reclamations, raspy murmurs …. that was some mysterious creature grinding-like sounds emanating from shallows of four-miles-billabong, saltie approaching verrrrrrrrry slowly from other side of waterhole, almost unseen-woodlike-looking floating against my side of lake, sitting there recording with hydrophone … … but I am sitting in safety, sitting on black flight-case, drinking black coffee and enjoying the heat while listening absolutely in astonishment this little tiny sound underwater, subaquatic mini-pergolator machine, bubbling like dry sand-grains in between teeth, hot and steamy, nicely smelling – aroma – freshly brewed nectar of awakeningssssssssss everytime I hear hordes of hermit-crabs scavenging the beach – blindly searching – for scraps of intelligence lost in between heaps of dried leafs, crunching under each of my steps … listening – listening … for signals from outer space ? Awake now, please, listen carefully, this is a question of survival ! Listen for signs of danger. If there is some, you will hear it. It doesn’t say there is some “danger”, of course. There is only peace to my ears. Balance. This work is trying to balance the real and unreal. The last bit is pre-audition of next beginning : australOpus III. (either with crabs or in Tasmania, not decided yet)