
Chiyoko Szlavnics "During A Lifetime" [CD]

価格: 1,837円(税込)


Label: Another Timbre - at108

Another Timbreが新たに始動したカナダの作曲家シリーズ。第4弾は正弦波をこよなく愛する作曲家Chiyoko Szlavnics。収録の3つの作品中2作が正弦波と生楽器の作品となっており、どの楽曲も予想以上に素晴らしい干渉記録が聞けます。演奏はApartment HouseとKonus Quartettという充実の編成。

The fourth disc in the Canadian Composers Series features the music of Chiyoko Szlavnics. The CD contains three works, two of which use sinewaves in conjuncton with acoustic instruments. The title track ‘During a Lifetime’ is written for sinewaves and saxophone quartet, an instrument on which Szlavnics herself used to perform. The final piece, ‘Reservoir’, is composed for sinewaves and an unusual instrumental octet, including two accordions, two flutes and two percussionists. The middle piece ‘Freehand Poitras’ is for string trio, but like the other works on the disc it is typified by the use of long sustained tones and slow glissandi.

In his introductory essay in the booklet accompanying the Canadian Composers Series CDs, Nick Storring writes about how Szlavnics’ use of sustained tones is often derived from line drawings that she does as part of the compositional process: “She deals with sound in a patiently shifting manner, through series of woven-together billows of quiet dynamism. Many of her pieces are effectively translated from drawings that she makes. Often consisting of interleaved matrices of fine lines, it's easy to grasp how their structures serve as foundations for her music. Several hint at an illusory world of perspective that exists between two and three dimensionality, simultaneously evincing depth and flatness.”

In this extract from her interview in the Canadian Composers Series booklet, Chiyoko Szlavnics talks about her love of sinewaves, but also the qualities that she values in acoustic instruments.