
Elliott Sharp, Sergio Sorrentino "Spilla" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)


Label: Ants - AG21

ロバート・モーグと共に電子工学を学び、モートン・フェルドマンに作曲を師事、現代音楽からフリージャズ、ロック、電子音楽まであらゆる種類の実験作曲に70年代から挑み続けるElliott Sharpが、米現音/実験の老舗Modeからソロ作を発表している実力派ギタリストSergio Sorrentinoと共作したグラフィックスコア録音。地形図を重ね合わせ得られた図形をスコアとした[Hudson River Nr. 6]、Elliott Sharpが頻繁にコンピューターで行なっている既存の記譜法を断片的に使った[Liquidity]、単なる拡張には留まらない完全に振り切れたギターテクニックによる4つのデュオ演奏を収録。ジャケットに使用されているアートワークは1曲目[Hudson River Nr. 6]のスコア。カッチリとしたダブルジャケ仕様。

“Spillá” (meaning "to play" in the secret language of the Neapolitan musicians) is a meeting between two masters of the guitar: Elliott Sharp's continuous innovation meet Sergio Sorrentino’s mastery of interpretation.
Recorded live in 2018 in Vercelli (Italy) here we have the surprising and effervescent rendition of two Sharp’s graphic scores: "Hudson River Nr. 6" (1974) is an early experiment and is part of a series of scores derived from topographical maps superimposed to musical staff and then manipulated by the author.
"Liquidity" is part of a latter approach (2011) working on fragments of pre-existent musical notations heavily manipulated at the computer by Sharp.
Both the scores deals with visual art as well as contemporary music, and are conceived to give to the performers (better, interpreters), the broader informations to "walk-in" the scores (following conceptual images and/or "sonorous" instructions).
The rest of the disc is comprised of two long improvisations where Sharp and Sorrentino takes the occasion to use the most varied (and "extended") guitar techniques, spanning all the range of contemporary "guitarism".
All the pieces are World Premiere Recordings.
The CD Cover image is a modified detail of the score of "Hudson River Nr. 6".
A text by Elliot Sharp focusing on Graphic Notation is included in the four pages booklet.