
Un Drame Musical Instantane "A Travail Egal Salaire Egal" [CD]

価格: 2,607円(税込)


Label: Klanggalerie

今後もKlanggalerieが継続していくと思われる、NWWリストでお馴染みの超名盤[Defense De]で知られるJean-Jacques Birgeを中心とするカルト集団U.D.M.Iのリイシューシリーズ。本作は1982年の3rd LP。総勢16名の大所帯で繰り広げられる、映画? ニュースの世界? 変態ライブショー?を派手に駆け巡る奔放すぎるアヴァン録音。なんとオリジナルには未収録だった[La Preuve Par Le Grand Huit, One Year Later](16分)がボーナスとして追加。激オススメの高内容盤。


À Travail Égal Salaire Égal was Un Drame Musical Instantané's third album, originally released in 1982 on the group's own GRRR label. Since its creation in 1976, featuring Jean-Jacques Birgé, Bernard Vitet and Francis Gorgé, the group has decided to promote collective musical creation, co-signing their albums, which they consider as artworks in themselves, or their live shows which they try to renew every time they play. Un Drame borrowed their sources from rock (synthetizer player Birgé and guitarist Gorgé, both authors of the album, Défense de); jazz (trumpeter Vitet who founded the first free jazz band in France, together with François Tusques, as well as Michel Portal who played with many American and European jazzmen); classical modern music; as well as movies or world news; they were the first in France to give a new impetus to live music on silent films. Birgé and Gorgé also recorded a duo album that was mentioned on the infamous Nurse With Wound list, Défense De. On À Travail Égal Salaire Égal, you will hear their wild mix of styles, a very original, unclassifiable, inventive music, which drifts from jazz to electronic music and contemporary music. Remastered in 2016 and with a lot of bonus material.