全タイトル大推薦!! 毎度豪華 or マニアックなゲストを招き、自身のIMMEDIATAからその共同実験記録をリリースするメルボルンを拠点に活動するコンポーザーAnthony Pateras。本作は前衛作品から即興ものまで様々な分野で活動するキーボードプレイヤーのRohan Drapeと一緒に仕上げた非常にディープなミニマルドローン。イタリア製の70年代電子オルガンFarfisa Compact DuoとヤマハYC45Dを操り、ひたすらその持続音干渉を記録したというとんでもないコンセプト&領域の作品。20ページのブックレット付き。
Rohan Drape: Yamaha YC45D. Anthony Pateras: Farfisa Compact Duo.
Sun-blasted organ music from Australia.
An extended exploration of interlocking vintage organs, Ellesmere does not fall within any defined system of thought. Articulating a highly personal and deeply lush vision of microtonality and psychoacoustics, it was recorded on the Mornington Peninsula in 2017 during a brutal summer, lending the music a scorched, introspective quality.
Rohan Drape, composer/keyboardist, computer music specialist, founding member of the Slave Pianos collective and co-organizer of the Inland Concert Series, has been making music for over 25 years. This is his first commercially released recording.
The 12th release in the Immediata series, beautifully presented in Atlantic blue recycled cardboard with silver hot stamped text on front, Ellesmere breaks the mold and includes a double sided foldout poster containing text one side and score on the other.
Mastered by Lachlan Carrick at Moose Mastering.
Limited edition of 300 copies!