ホーム | -----I > Index CleanJon Dale + Kynan Lawlor "I've Got A Tiger In My Tank" [LP]

Jon Dale + Kynan Lawlor "I've Got A Tiger In My Tank" [LP]

価格: 3,377円(税込)
Label: Index Clean - IC-010

100部限定。過去に紹介済みのVon EinemやAbsurd Cosmos Late Nite然り、確かな審美眼にて自国オーストラリアを中心とした秀逸なアート系、サウンドアート、雑音物件の出版に勤しむ孤高の激シブ・レーベルIndex Clean。2019年最初のリリースは一挙4タイトル!! Jon Dale + Kynan Lawlor のコンビが2003年に残していたオーストラリア産ローファイ・エクスペリメンタルの隠れた名盤[I've Got A Tiger In My Tank]がヴァイナルリイシュー。崩壊したテクスチャー、ズルズルと引きずる様なスローな展開、どこをとってもカッコ良すぎの5曲。


I've Got a Tiger In My Tank is a 2002 work from Jon Dale and Kynan Lawlor, released initially as a CD-R on Lawlor's F'Ken Stoner imprint (shared with Scott O’Hara) in 2003. Index Clean is proud to reissue this work that has provided 17 years of enduring sustenance and perplexity. This version was mastered by Joe Talia, and Jarren Gallway has significantly revamped his artwork from the original edition. 12" regular weight black vinyl. Edition of 100. The album download (free with vinyl) includes bonus tracks from the compilation Woodlot Surer (Five Pieces 5) (FTSM 43, 2004).