オリジナルは現在かなりの高額で取引される超激レアなジャーマン・オブスキュア作が再発!! 70年代にドイツで音楽教師として働いていた時に、Tangerine Dream、Klaus Schulze、Jean Michel Jarre、Emerson Lake&Palmerにインスパイアされ実験的な楽曲制作を開始、その後81年にこのアルバムだけを残し消えてしまったGeorge A. Speckertの唯一作。Korg MS20、Casiotone 201、Crumar DS-2、Jupiter-4を用いたスペーシーなシンセリフにドライでタイトなビートを忍ばせる「核戦争による世界の絶滅の物語」という設定の架空サントラ。アルバム全体通して激ヤバの仕上がりです。
Mental Experience present the first ever reissue of Requiem's For A World After, originally released in 1981. Dark, progressive, synth ambient meets Berlin-School sounds on this obscure kraut album, which "tells the story of a world annihilation through nuclear war." For A World After is full of delayed psychedelic electric guitar, effects, cold drum machines, waves of analog keyboards (Korg MS20, Casiotone 201, Crumar DS-2, Jupiter-4), and cosmic atmosphere. George Speckert is a conceptual electronic composer based in Hannover, but of North American origin. Working as a music teacher in Germany in the '70s, he started to write and produce music in his spare time, inspired by the European rock and electronic scenes of the time (Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze, Jean Michel Jarre, Emerson Lake & Palmer, etc.) He met another American expat, David Cassidy, who ran a small record label/studio - that's when Requiem started to take form. A chance meeting with a terrific guitar player named Massimo Grandi, led to Massimo adding some amazing electric guitar to the album. After six months, For A World After was released in a privately-pressed edition of 1000 on the small, Daviton label. RIYL: Klaus Schulze, Tangerine Dream, Conrad Schnitzler, Moebius, Popol Vuh, Metronic Underground, Rüdiger Lorenz, Michael Bundt, Wolfgang Bock, Michael Hoenig, Rolf Trostel, Pina. Master tape sound; Insert with liner notes and photos.
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