ホーム | -----C > ConstellationAlanis Obomsawin "Bush Lady" [CD]

Alanis Obomsawin "Bush Lady" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)
Label: Constellation - CST133

オリジナルはWaWa Productions(プライベートリリース?)から85年にカセットリリース、1960年代にシンガーソングライターとして活動を開始したもののその音楽活動は短く、唯一本作[Bush Lady]のみを個人名義作品として残したカナダの女性音楽家Alanis Obomsawin。本国カナダではドキュメンタリー映画作家として広く知られている人物であり、本作もそのユニーク且つ不思議な内容からカルト的音盤として認知されている模様。一曲目[Odana]よりその叙情味溢れる歌声/世界観を披露、その後に続く表題曲[Bush Lady]ではパーカッションを伴った反復歌唱/語りという変則的な部分を見せ始める、妙な磁力と心地良さのある音楽性に惹き込まれます。モントリオールののインディペンデントレーベルConstellationが手掛けたリマスター仕様。

Bush Lady is the only recording ever made by Alanis Obomsawin, a member of the Abenaki First Nations and best known as one of Canada’s most accomplished and decorated documentary filmmakers. Less well known is that Obomsawin began her artistic career as a singer-songwriter in the 1960s, part of a broad movement of Indigenous artists from across North America rallying in new assertions of cultural consciousness, political rights, and reckonings with oppressive colonial history. She was invited by Folkways to perform at Town Hall in New York City in the early 1960s and spent that decade primarily identifying as a singer, channeling traditional songs hand-in-hand with modern composition. Twenty years later, amidst her burgeoning film career, Bush Lady was born of sessions sponsored by CBC Radio in 1984. Unsatisfied with these recordings, Obomsawin reclaimed the master tapes, remade the album, and issued it on her own private press in 1988. This unique, profound, magical record has been out of print and gaining cult status ever since. Constellation is honoured to be working with this legendary Canadian cultural icon to issue a newly remastered version of Bush Lady on audiophile 180gram vinyl — and for the first time on CD.