ホーム | -----C > ConstellationColin Stetson "New History Warfare Vol. 3: To See More Light" [2LP]

Colin Stetson "New History Warfare Vol. 3: To See More Light" [2LP]

価格: 3,707円(税込)
Label: Constellation - CST092-2

サックス、クラリネット、コルネット、フレンチホルン、フルートを駆使した独自の演奏法を生み出し、スティーヴ・ライヒやテリー・ライリーに繋がるミニマルおよびアーサー・ラッセルにも似たアプローチにて己の道を突き進む大推薦のサクソフォンプレイヤーColin Stetson。モントリオールのインディペンデントレーベルConstellationより出版したシリーズ作品として展開する[New History Warfare]の最終章に当たる第3弾。ソロアルバムとしての集大成的な作品でもあり、ゲストの存在云々よりも自身の表現を徹底的に研磨した強靭なエネルギーを放つミニマルミュージック集。Werner Durandの"パンネイ"の様な音色の面白さから、重鎮勢的崇高な雰囲気、また時折見え隠れするユーモアなど、どこをとっても魅力的。CD版とポスター付き180グラム2LPの2フォーマット。マスト。




Colin Stetson established himself as an intensely original solo composer and performer in 2011 with the release of the widely acclaimed New History Warfare Vol. 2: Judges, which ended up on countless year-end lists. Anyone who has seen Stetson in solo performance can attest to the stunning physicality of his circular-breathing technique and capacity to produce a seemingly impossible palate of multiple voicings simultaneously in real time.

New History Warfare Vol. 3: To See More Light is the final installment in a trilogy of solo albums, again recorded live in single takes and again mixed by groundbreaking producer Ben Frost. Colin's membership in Bon Iver has also led to vocal contributions from Justin Vernon for this record, who appears on four songs, and whose voice constitutes the only overdubbing on the album.

New History Warfare Vol. 3: To See More Light is the most cohesive and fully realized of Stetson's solo albums to date. It should reliably stand as the apotheosis of the New History Warfare trilogy, and certainly signals the full flourishing of Stetson's unique talents as both composer and performer, pressing his arsenal of virtuosic techniques into the service of vivid, impassioned and conceptually astute songcraft.