ホーム | -----H > HelicopterAirway "Live at Zebulon" [CD]

Airway "Live at Zebulon" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: Helicopter

新ライブ録音!!LAFMS系最強にして最高峰の超大型集団Airwayによる、ユニット名義では約3年振りとなる新作がJohn Wiese主宰のHelicopterより出版!!2019年12月12日にロサンゼルスで披露された大所帯パフォーマンスがノンストップで収録されており、参加メンバーはJoe Potts、Joseph Hammer、John Wiese、Fredrik Nilsen、Tom Recchion、Vetza、Ace Farren Fordら主要メンバーを含む13名編成。ゴロゴロとした異様な音塊の連なり、そこへVetza & Mayaのヒステリックなボーカルが絡むこの集団ならではのクールな流れにグイグイと惹きこまれる大傑作。


Airway began as a solo project of Los Angeles Free Music Society member Joe Potts. The first release was the Airway 7-inch, which featured subliminal messages to coincide with an art exhibition in Tokyo. Since their August 1978 live debut at the LACE Gallery, the group has performed many concerts with different large lineups, always with Joe Potts’ subliminal message experiments as a central feature. Airway’s “Live At LACE” LP, first released in 1978, and introduced to Japan by Takuya Sakaguchi, was a direct influence on the projects Hijokaidan and Merzbow. In their 42-year history Airway’s discography to date includes the albums “Live At LACE”, “Beyond The Pink Live”, a split LP and 2xCD with Hijokaidan, “Live At Mark Moore Gallery”, "Live At MOCA", and now “Live At Zebulon”.

“Live At Zebulon” was recorded December 12, 2019 in Los Angeles, California. The line-up includes: Ace Farren Ford, Joseph Hammer, Kevin Laffey, Keith Lubow, Maya, Aaron Moore, Fredrik Nilsen, Joe Potts, Rick Potts, Tom Recchion, Michael Ruiz, Vetza, and John Wiese.