ホーム | -----O > OcoraAmbuya Nyati "Zimbabwe - Shona Ritual Music" [CD]

Ambuya Nyati "Zimbabwe - Shona Ritual Music" [CD]

価格: 3,267円(税込)
Label: Ocora - C560252

間違いなくOcora録音の中でも最高峰の一つ、装丁、演奏内容共に激激オススメの一枚!! アフリカ伝統音楽の象徴的な楽器の一つでもあるムビラ。特にジンバブエのモノは国のポピュラー音楽にも多くに使用され、所謂ギターの様な役割も担うとの事。本作は8歳でムビラを始め国際的にも活動する55歳の演奏家Ambuya Nyatiの録音。試聴の通り、もはや技術的だけには止まらない、ずば抜けた音楽的センスまでを聴かせてくれる極上の名演。32ページの大判ブックレット、それらをカッチリと収納出来る縦長ハードカバー仕様。マスト。



Released in heavy A2 digipak case containing CD pocket and 36 page booklet.

Ambuya Nyati - lead vocal, mbira
Chipo Wazara - vocals, mbira, percussion
Spiwe Juma - vocals, hosho (shaker)

The mbira is one of the iconic instruments of Africa traditional music. Identified particularly with Zimbabwe its resonant metal keys form the basis of much of the country's popular music, with the sound transposed to the electric guitar. In Shona culture, mbira (the term for both the instrument and the music) holds an important role in spiritual and ritual purposes, but it can also be played outside of the ceremonial context. Musician, healer and spirit medium Ambuya Nyati states: "the mbira is our way to pray to God...it's our telephone to the ancestors."

55-year old Ambuya Nyati began playing mbira at the age of 8 and achieved popularity playing in Zimbabwe. She has been invited to perform in Europe three times, most recently earlier this year. These recordings were made in the studios of Radio France in July 2012. All tracks were freely chosen by the musicians, and the one-take recordings were necessarily played in abbreviated versions - in ritual contaxt the pieces can exceed 30 minutes in length.

The accustomed exemplary standards of recording and packaging from Ocora Radio France, including a detailed 32-page booklet, make this 78-minute CD an essential purchase for serious fans of Zimbabwean and African music.