ホーム | -----C > Cor ArdensPony Moon "The Sun is the Radioactive wasp egg [Cassette]

Pony Moon "The Sun is the Radioactive wasp egg [Cassette]

価格: 1,287円(税込)
Label: Cor Ardens - CA-04

廃盤!!VitrineおよびPhinery Tapesからのカセット作品の頃から個人的に注目をしていた、音のみならず独特の視点からのアプローチを行う作家Jim Strongがレーベルを始動!! レーベルが激推しするMatthew Pony Payroll BonesとJenny Moon Tuckerという知られざる二人組Pony Moonの1stカセット。エッジを削がれた金属音が広大な地下空間に投げ込まれていくかの様な、大量ジャンクによる儀式的風景が広がる濃密な長編。まさにJim Strongらしいセレクト。

Cor Ardens is pleased to present “The Sun is the radioactive Wasp Egg” a new audio release from prolific Baltimore Artists, Matthew Pony Payroll Bones and Jenny Moon Tucker. The Duo is known for it’s Endurance-Challenging performance rituals of Cymbals and Bells Flying through the Air, Splintering Ancient Railroad Surplus and a lazy hand wielding a sparking power-tool slowly eating through a rickety mesh of wire fence which was dragged into the center of the venue. A Fireworks Procession through which primordial song-forms emerge referencing the history of blues, home spun drone and free musics simultaneously. The recording herein begins with a voyeuristic transmission of two individuals casually conversing about local eateries, the weather. Small town observations recede toward a fluid whistling and clatter barely emerged. A swell of pots and pans heaved in pathetic rage. Sort of funny to. Amphibious dirge.